A Guide to Trimming Different Trees at Different Times of the Year

If you love the greens of mother nature, you probably love taking care of them too. So, you should know the importance of tree trimming. Not just because you care, but it’s also important to increase the curb appeal of your property. 

Are you wondering, when is the best time to trim trees? Well, if you consider generally then trim them in late winters. Do you know why? It's because the season is still dormant and so they can handle the shock of heavy trims better. 

But, there are different tree species and every kind accepts different methods. Maybe you are a bit confused. To understand it better, learn these different tree kinds and the right time to trim.

tree trimming

Different kinds of trees and the perfect time to trim them

Fruit Trees

Even though not your whole landscape, you might have planted a couple of fruit trees on your property. If you live in the northern hemisphere, then trim them between late February and early April. And if you are in the southern hemisphere, trim them in the early break of spring.

Note: The bark may be damaged if you trim fruit trees in early winter or fall.

Deciduous Trees

Tree trimming for deciduous plants is perfect during the late winter or early spring. But make sure you do that before the season of new leaves starts. In fact, it’s better if you want a large portion to trim. It’s because your plant will be in less shock. Moreover, it gets enough time to recover until the new growth season-spring. 

Note: Maples are deciduous trees, but trimming them in later winter may harm their growth or sapling. 

Evergreen trees

These trees are better for anyone who likes all-year-round greenery. So, if you have them too in your landscape then you can treat them as deciduous as well. However, they often grow side buds. Therefore, cut only the branches above the buds. 

In professional tree trimming, branches that are about to die would be trimmed off.  They’d know which ones would survive and which ones won’t. So, do your research to find the best tree services in Buffalo NY


Tree trimming time is indeed an important aspect to consider. But many times, it becomes harder to keep track of your tree health and time together. So, tree maintenance services can make the job easier for you. 

Are you looking for a professional tree trimming service Buffalo NY? Branch Specialists Buffalo NY is a widely recommended service, with immense positive customer feedback. 


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